Potato Kataifi Croquettes — Antoniou Fillo Pastry

Potato Kataifi Croquettes


Makes 24

150 g Vlahotyri cheese (alternatively pecorino or parmesan), grated plus extra to garnish 

1 kg desiree potatoes 

2 whole eggs 

2 egg yolks

50 g butter

1 cup flour for dusting

2 tbsp chives

300 g feta cheese

60 ml  milk, plus extra for coating

1 x 375 g packet of Kataifi Pastry, dried overnight 

Sunflower oil, for deep frying

Recipe Tips

Drying out Kataifi Pastry
For this recipe, drying out the Kataifi Pastry overnight allows you to achieve a consistent golden colour all over the croquettes.


Before you begin this Kataifi Pastry recipe, take your Kataifi Pastry out of its packet the night before and lay it on a tray to dry out.

Steam the potatoes in their skins for 20 minutes or until tender.

Using a ricer,  mash the potatoes in a large bowl.  Add egg yolks, butter, milk, chives and cheese and season with salt and pepper.  Mix thoroughly, then cover and refrigerate for approximately 10 minutes. 

Take the dried Kataifi Pastry and crumble it in your hands until it reaches a crumb consistency. Place in a bowl and set aside.

Whisk the eggs in a bowl with a splash of milk and set aside. Then place the flour in another bowl and set aside also.

Assembling the croquettes
Roll the potato mixture into balls and add a small piece of feta in the centre. Dust with flour, then dip in the egg mixture, followed by the Kataifi Pastry crumb. Continue with remaining potato mixture.

Heat oil in a large saucepan to 180 degrees Celcius and deep fry the croquettes until golden. Allow the croquettes to strain on some paper towel before serving warm with grated cheese over the top.

Recipe by Kathy Tsaples - Everyday Gourmet.